Volunteer Parents (VPs) I.B.I.S. Room Parents

Volunteer Parents (VIPs)

I.B.I.S. has a very active group of volunteer parents. All parents are welcome to get involved. The committee organises fund raising and social activities for pupils, parents and all the family. The Volunteer Parents also play a vital role in helping to address parental concerns with the school management. Regular meetings are held and constructive feedback encouraged.

The wide range of activities the VIPs organise include a barbecue for new families and the hugely successful Summer Fête. The VIPs are responsible for providing a Room Mother/Father for each class to help in the classroom when necessary and as a contact for new families. We are always looking for more parents who can help us to help our school. If you are interested and would like more information, please get in touch with us via the school office in the first place:



I.B.I.S. Room Parents
Effective relations between the body of parents and the school are the basis for everything we do and our room parents play a key role in this. They help to communicate between the school/teacher and the rest of the parents in the class and often provide assistance in organising and running extra-curricular and extraordinary activities for the class. We are very grateful for the time and effort our room parents provide, and always look forward to working with new members of the I.B.I.S. community who would like to become room parents themselves.

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